A successive RR interval plot was developed to analyze arrhythmia. The plot consisted of a set of points with the x-value of (N)th RR interval and the y-value of (N + 1)th RR interval. This method was applied in the arrhythmia analysis of Holter electrocardiograms obtained from 35 patients. In the analysis of ventricular premature contractions (VPCs) this method was useful not only in detecting VPCs but also in demonstrating coupling interval-dependent characteristics of VPCs. In the analysis of atrial fibrillation the successive RR plot enabled the authors to estimate the functional refractory period of the atrioventricular conduction. In conclusion, despite its simplicity, the successive RR plot was found to be powerful in analyzing arrhythmia. Specifically, the potential to analyze integrally the coupling interval-dependent properties of various types of arrhythmia makes it attractive as a clinical tool.