We report the case of a patient (followed from birth to 15 years) presenting with trisomy 12 mosaicism, and focus on the endocrine phenotype associating a pituitary malformation and ovarian abnormalities. We describe the dysmorphic features and their evolution, the growth retardation and ovarian symptoms. Complete growth hormone deficiency was confirmed on auxological data, stimulation test and was related to pituitary stalk interruption, diagnosed by magnetic resonance imaging. Effect of growth hormone treatment was satisfactory resulting in a normal adult height. She also presented premature thelarche associated with right ovarian hypertrophy (4 to 5 fold the volume of the left ovary) which remained constant until 15 years of age. Diagnosis of trisomy 12 mosaicism was made on skin and ovarian karyotypes. The possible relation between these endocine findings and some genes located on chromosome 12 involved in pituitary and ovarian development is discussed.