The presence of Chlamydia trachomatis and human papillomavirus (HPV) was evaluated by PCR technique in 189 sexually active women, between 15 and 58 years old, with cytological abnormalities in their uterine cervical epithelium and belonging to a region of Argentina with high incidence of cervical cancer. Risk factors in relation to chlamydial infection were also analyzed. Total prevalence for C. trachomatis infection was 24.9%, but there was a significant difference between prevalence in low socio-economical level (32.9%) and high or medium socio-economical level (17.7%). Total prevalence for DNA of HPV was 52.9%, but women infected with C. trachomatis showed a higher risk for viral infection than non-infected ones (OR = 2.27 / CI 95% = 1.10-4.73), with statistical significant difference (p = 0.016).