With the use of multivariational statistical analysis of 185 patients with small cell lung carcinoma has been established that median survival (in months), and 1-year and 3-year survival rates (in percentage) of the patients are 9.4+/-2.6, 41.6+/-2.4 and 41.6+/-2.4, respectively. Most of patients died within the year from clinical manifestation of the disease. It has been ascertained that individual treatment methods in many aspects define prognosis of the disease. After combined treatment (radio-chemotherapy) prognosis is better. 1-year survival rate in percentage is 58.6+/-4.8 in such cases, 3-year survival rate is equal to 12.3+/-7.2 and median survival is 11.2+/-4.7 months (p<0.05). It has been shown that of all chemotherapy schemes CDE (cisplatin, doxorubicin, etoposide) is more effective. 1-year and 3-year survival rates of the patients treated with the use of this scheme were statistically reliably better in comparison with those treated with the use of other chemotherapy schemes (p<0.05). Thus, at the resistance of a tumor to chemotherapy drugs and in case of development of a recurrent tumor, in order to reach complete remission or its consolidation it is reasonable to use combination of these preparations. Results of observation should be taken into account for the evaluation of the prognosis and the choice of most effective treatment method.