Objective: To introduce a technique for hysteroscopic resection of submucous myoma arising from the uterine fundus.
Design: Case report.
Setting: University hospital.
Patient(s): A 43-year-old nulliparous Japanese woman.
Intervention(s): An original combination technique of hysteroresectoscopy using circumferential myoma scraping, central vaporization, and intraoperative injection of prostaglandin F2alpha.
Main outcome measure(s): Evaluation of clinical symptoms and imaging diagnosis.
Result(s): Resection of a 40-mm fundal myoma was performed hysteroscopically, and the menorrhagia of the patient was remedied by the operation.
Conclusion(s): Although large sessile fundal myomas are difficult to resect by hysteroscopic myomectomy, our original strategy may allow safe and certain surgery in such cases.