The present study was conducted to evaluate the toxicity of diphenyl diselenide [(PhSe)2] exposure on the progeny of Wistar male rats. Male rats were exposed to (PhSe)2 subcutaneously for 4 weeks at the dose of 5.0 mg/kg and 8 weeks at the dose of 2.5 mg/kg, prior to mating with unexposed females. No lethality was noted in any group. At term of exposure period, 4-week exposed male rats presented significant decrease in the body weight. Sex organ weights were similar in (PhSe)2-exposed and control male groups. The number of implantation sites in females mated with males exposed to (PhSe)2 for 8 weeks was significantly higher than those of the respective control group. Male exposure to (PhSe)2, administered for 4 and 8 weeks, did not change fetal body weight. Gross examination of fetuses from 4- to 8-week exposed groups did not reveal the appearance of external anomalies. Examination of live fetuses for ossification centers did not show significantly difference between groups. No increase in the incidence of skeletal anomalies was observed in fetuses obtained from females impregnated with (PhSe)2-exposed males. The current study indicated that (PhSe)2 given sub-chronically (4 or 8 weeks) to male rats had no adverse effects on their progeny.