Our goal was to determine whether transforming growth factor beta (TGFbeta) isoforms were involved in the process of sperm survivability in the sperm-storage tubules (SST) in the utero-vaginal junction (UVJ) of hen oviduct. The birds were artificially inseminated. The mRNA expressions of three types of TGFbeta isoforms (TGFbeta2, TGFbeta3, and TGFbeta4) and three types of receptors (TbetaR1, TbetaR2, and TbetaR3) were examined in the presence or in the absence of resident sperm in SST by semi-quantitative reverse transcriptase-PCR. The mRNA expression of TGFbetas and TbetaRs in sperm was also examined. Immunocytochemistry and western blot were performed for TbetaR2 to confirm its localization in UVJ. The sperm were observed at least 10 days after insemination by histology. The mRNA expressions of TGFbetas and TbetaRs were significantly increased in UVJ in the presence of resident sperm in SST. The mRNA expressions of TGFbetas and TbetaRs were also observed in sperm. Immunohistochemistry revealed that TbetaR2 were located in lymphocytes in UVJ and SST cells. The presence of TbetaR2 in UVJ was also confirmed by western blot. These results suggest that enhanced expressions of TGFbetas and TbetaRs in UVJ may protect sperm in SST, probably by suppressing anti-sperm immunoreactions.