Chlorophyll (Chl) and epidermal polyphenol (EPhen) contents were estimated in vivo using two optical leaf-clips, SPAD-502 and Dualex, respectively. The area-based measurements were transformed into mass-based data by taking into account the leaf dry mass per area (LMA). Measurements were performed on forest trees and on saplings grown under controlled conditions. While LMA increased with irradiance along a vertical transect in a beech canopy or in saplings grown under different and increasing irradiance levels, mass-based EPhen (EPhen(m)) increased, whereas mass-based Chl (Chl(m)) decreased. This was a signature of a gradual switch of investment from protein into polyphenol production. A similar signature was obtained in saplings grown on nitrogen-deficient soil with respect to fertilized controls. However, nitrogen effects remained moderate compared to irradiance-induced effects. EPhen(m) and Chl(m) both declined with plant ageing-induced increases in LMA, under all tested growth conditions. This was a signature of an accumulation of dry matter that diluted Chl and EPhen. The described competition between Chl and EPhen in leaves fits well with the predictions of the Protein Competition Model (PCM), that is, that the total leaf mass-based polyphenols content (Phen(t)) is controlled by the competition between protein and polyphenol biosynthetic pathways and its metabolic regulation.