We have devised a new in vitro model of type I cutaneous anaphylaxis. Male albino rats were sensitized with DNP-Ascaris. Abdominal skin was shaved, and thin, split-thickness slices of skin were cut with a dermatome. The dermis was excised and cut into 100 mg pieces. The dermal tissue was incubated with antigen in Tyrode's solution for 30 min at 37 degrees C. Antigen-induced histamine release from dermal tissue was measured fluorimetrically. Using this system, we measured histamine release from PUVA-irradiated and non-irradiated dermal tissues. A single PUVA irradiation inhibited type I cutaneous anaphylaxis, but did not affect spontaneous histamine release or total dermal histamine. Our model is considered to be useful for investigation of the mechanism of suppression of type I cutaneous anaphylaxis by PUVA.