The aim of this report is to quantify the amount of spontaneous microembolism detected in brain vessels by transcranial Doppler (TCD) during transcatheter closure of right-to-left shunt (RLS). We examined 29 patients who had had a stroke or a transient ischaemic attack (17 females and 12 males; mean age 45+/-15 years). They all underwent TCD monitoring during the procedure and microembolic signals (MES) were recorded. Detection of MES was distributed as follows: during femoral catheterisation in 8 patients (25%), during atrial catheterisation in 5 patients (17%), during transeptal crossing in 14 patients (48%), during left disc opening in 28 patients (96%) and during right disc opening in 7 patients (24%). The highest rates of MES were observed during left disc opening and less during transeptal crossing with an average count of 31 (range 3-135) and 3 (range 1-18) respectively. Brain embolism occurs throughout the procedure after femoral catheterisation for PFO closure. Our results indicate that the majority of MES reached the brain during the opening of the left disc in the left atrium: 28/29 patients exhibited MES with an average of 31 (3-135), thus supporting the notion that gas embolism accounted for the findings.