Endoscopic pancreatic sphincterotomy (EPS) has fallen into disuse for some time because of the risk of severe complications. More recently, EPS has been advocated as an effective treatment modality for several pancreatic disorders, including severe chronic pancreatitis, pancreatic pseudocyst, ampulloma, pancreas divisum, and pancreatic sphincter dysfunction. Favorable outcomes in patients undergoing EPS to facilitate further interventions, in whom long-term follow-up was available, was 70%; complications occurred in 14% and reintervention was required in 23%. The results were as good as those of surgery after long-term follow-up. Patients who underwent some form of pancreatic drainage after sphincterotomy had fewer complications (p = 0.03). Approximately 75% of patients with pancreas divisum who presented with idiopathic acute recurrent pancreatitis improved after endoscopic therapy, but only 25% of patients experienced pain reduction of at least 50%. The National Institutes of Health Consensus recommends EPS in patients with type I sphincter of Oddi dysfunction (SOD). In patients with type II SOD, prior manometry should be performed. In our series of 17 patients, we obtained results similar to those of other studies, although the number of patients was small. EPS appears to be a safe and effective technique, but further, well-designed, multicenter, prospective and long-term studies are required to evaluate these results and settle current controversies.