Even though many skin cleansing products are commercially available, the cleansing of the skin is dependent upon the user's diligence, compliance, and technique, which often results in inconsistent cleansing. When the skin is inadequately or excessively cleansed, the skin becomes compromised, sometimes leading to acute or chronic conditions that may require medical attention. A sonic skincare brush was developed to enhance and provide consistent skin cleansing while preventing the skin from becoming compromised. Utilizing a technology previously used to cleanse the oral cavity, the sonic skincare brush is optimized to work with the skin's own elasticity providing rapid oscillatory flexing of the infundibular opening. By oscillating at sonic speed the net result is the inelastic comedones become loosened and detached from the infundibular wall and are then cleared from the acroinfundibulum. Although additional clinical research into the various applications of sonic skin care technology is needed, utilization of sonic technology is now available for effectively and consistently cleansing the skin.