We report on a patient with ACTH and FSH producing invasive pituitary adenoma complaining of cutaneous pigmentation. Elevations in plasma ACTH, beta-endorphin and cortisol levels as well as urinary 17-OHCS and cortisol excretion were found. Serum FSH concentration was just within the upper limit of the normal range, whereas serum LH level was reduced and alpha-subunit level was normal. Roentogenographic examination showed an almost complete loss of sellar floor and destruction of the posterior clinoids and dorsum sella. CT scan and MRI demonstrated an enlarged tumor invasion of the clivus and its extension to the sphenoid sinus. After subtotal removal of the large pituitary tumor, serum cortisol and plasma beta-endorphin levels as well as plasma ACTH concentrations returned to normal and serum FSH levels also remarkably decreased. Histologically, the tumor corresponded to a chromophobe, slightly PAS positive adenoma. These tumor cells exhibited positive immunostaining with antibody to ACTH (1-24), beta-LPH, beta-endorphin and FSH, while immunostaining of the adenoma cells was negative for LH, TSH, GH and prolactin. The immunogold technique also demonstrated ACTH and FSH particles in the secretory granules in the cytoplasm of the adenoma cells. Some of the tumor cells disclosed Crooke's hyalinization and type I microfilament occupied most of the cytoplasm. In the present study, a very rare case of ACTH and FSH producing invasive pituitary adenoma is reported.