Background: Epitheliotropic lymphoma (ELSA) is an uncommon cutaneous canine malignancy of T lymphocytes. A consensus regarding the therapeutic standard of care is lacking, warranting evaluation of chemotherapeutic agents traditionally employed against canine nodal lymphoma in the treatment of ELSA.
Hypothesis: The purpose of this retrospective, multi-institutional study was to evaluate the efficacy of 1-(2-chloroethyl)-3-cyclohexyl-l-nitrosourea (CCNU) in the treatment of ELSA.
Animals: Forty-six dogs with adequate follow-up and treatment response information.
Methods: All cases were diagnosed histopathologically. Immunohistochemisty (CD3, CD79a) was performed on 42/46 samples.
Results: Presenting skin lesions included generalized scales (25/46), plaques or nodules (22/46), mucocutaneous lesions (14/ 46), and corneal involvement (1/46). Lymph node involvement and Sézary syndrome were documented in 7 and 2 dogs, respectively. The median number of CCNU treatments was 4 (range, 1-11), with a median starting dose of 60 mg/m(2) (range, 30-95). Of the 46 dogs, 15 achieved complete remission, 23 achieved partial remission, 5 had stable disease, and 3 had progressive disease, for an overall response rate of 83%. The median number of treatments to achieve a response was 1 (range, 1-6). The overall median duration of response was 94 days (range, 22-282). Sixteen dose reductions were required because of neutropenia (10/46), thrombocytopenia (1/46), anemia (1/46), increased liver enzyme activity (3/46), or unspecified reasons (1/46).
Conclusions and clinical implications: Given the high response rate and well tolerated protocol, prospective studies are warranted to investigate the utility of CCNU alone or in multi-agent protocols for the treatment of ELSA.