Premature ovarian failure (POF) is defined by at least four months of amenorrhea with elevated gonadotropins (usually above 40 UI/L) detected on two occasions a few weeks apart, in a woman before the age of 40. It occurs in 1 out of 10,000 in women below the age of 20, 1/1,000 below 30 and 1% in women before the age of 40. In 80% of POF cases, the etiology is unknown, except for Turner syndrome. The different etiologies identified are 1) iatrogenic following chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy, 2) autoimmune, 3) viral, 4) genetic (RFSH, FOXL2, FRAXA, BMP15, GDF9, GALT, 17 hydroxylase...). Management of these patients includes hormone replacement therapy in order to avoid an increase in cardiovascular risk and osteoporosis related to hypoestrogenism. Infertility is common, as only 3 to 10% of the patients will have natural conception. When fertility is desired, women with POF should be oriented towards oocyte donation centers. Research is currently performed in order to identify new genes involved in POF.