Objective: To analyze time trends in Catalonia (1986-2002) and Spain (1986-2001) in suicide mortality and its geographical variation by health areas in Catalonia.
Methods: Standard annual mortality rates were calculated by the direct method for Catalonia (1986-2002) and Spain (1986-2001) (standard population of Catalonia 1991). The adjusted annual percent change was analyzed by means of a Poisson regression by gender and by age group for Catalonia and Spain. For the geographical variation in Catalonia, standardized mortality ratio using the indirect method (SMR) were calculated by gender and for the 46 health areas for the entire period and the comparative mortality figures and its confidence intervals at 95% were analyzed grouping the years in period 1(1986-1994) and period 2 (1995-2002).
Results: Men's mortality in Catalonia was lower than in Spain and an increase (not significant) was observed in both places during the period; for women, the evolution and rates were similar, with a small decrease (significant) for Catalonia and Spain. Differences in patterns and trends for age and sex were observed, showing a decrease in the elderly groups for both sexes and an increase for the young for Spain and Catalonia. In terms of geographic distribution, the health sectors of the Central, Northeast and South Catalonia zones show higher than average mortality.
Conclusions: The time trends of mortality by suicide in Catalonia shows different patterns according to age and gender. A progressive homogenization in the territorial distribution by health areas was observed.