Objective: To update on the state of knowledge in mild asthma (intermittent and persistent mild asthma, according to the GINA classification) review the literature, and the position statement of the French Mild Asthma Working Group.
Methods: The French Mild Asthma Working Group (11 lung specialists, 4 paediatricians, 1 pharmacologist, and 1 general practitioner) selected, analysed, and summarised the literature on the descriptive epidemiology, physiopathology, clinical signs, and management of mild asthma. The position of the working group on the descriptive epidemiology (causal factors excluded) and the nature of the bronchial inflammation has been presented in a previous article. The present article focuses on the clinical features of mild asthma and the use of medication for it.
Results: Mild asthma was more frequent, more symptomatic, and less well controlled in children than in adults. Its generally benign evolution may in some (<10%) cases be complicated by severe episodes. Patients with mild persistent asthma require controller medication every day: permanent low-dose inhaled corticosteroid monotherapy is the reference foundation treatment for persistent mild asthma.
Conclusions: The present findings should help clinicians and guide them in their approach to managing this condition.