This is a first pediatric case about the efficacy of octreotide for improving symptoms of malignant bowel obstruction. A 12-year-old boy was referred to our hospital for treatment of transverse colon cancer with peritoneal dissemination. A transverse colectomy was undertaken with postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy. Seven months later, severe abdominal symptoms occurred caused by incomplete bowel obstruction owing to tumor progression. The patient's quality of life decreased with a resultant disturbed mental condition. His parents sought to stop chemotherapy and for him to receive palliative care at home. We suggested nasogastric tube placement, but this was rejected. After obtaining informed consent, octreotide was administered intravenously. After 1 week, abdominal symptoms improved and the boy's complaints stopped. He had a good appetite and was able to eat small amounts of food. He was able to spend his final 2 months at home without nausea and in his family surroundings.