The rapid Golgi method, combined with current optical and electronmicroscopical techniques, was used in three central gangliogliomas and in one dysplastic gangliocytoma of the cerebellum to study the morphology of ganglionic cells. Gangliogliomas were composed of bipolar, fusiform and radiate cells with dense core and clear vesicles in the perikaryon and cellular processes, the number of each cellular type varying from one case to another. These features, together with the fact that isodendritic neurons are considered to be phylogenetically old neurons, suggest that these tumours are composed of "primitive" neurons that are not homogeneous with regard to their morphology. In contrast, ganglionic cells in dysplastic gangliocytoma are huge cells with long, stereotyped neurites that establish unique asymmetric contacts with neighbouring perikarya and neurites by means of claw-shaped processes covered with synaptic buttons. These morphological characteristics are different from those of any other neuron of the CNS.