A method for the determination of the sites of tyrosine phosphorylation in proteins and peptides at the low picomole level for "cold" phosphopeptides and at the subpicomole level for 32P-labeled phosphopeptides is presented. The procedure is based on solid-phase sequence analysis of phosphopeptides immobilized on carrier discs and the "on-line" detection by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography of the phenylthiohydantoin derivative of phosphotyrosine. The procedure is sensitive and automated and allows the identification of phosphotyrosine derivatives in the same operation as the detection of the derivatives of the other common amino acids. Essentially quantitative extraction of the phosphotyrosine derivatives from the sequencer makes this method ideally suited for the quantitative assessment of protein-tyrosine kinase and protein phosphatase activities and for the determination of their respective recognition sequences.