Twenty-two resected goblet cell type adenocarcinomas of the lung were examined clinicopathologically and immunohistochemically. The stage and survival curve of goblet cell type adenocarcinomas were compared with those of 44 cases of pure or mixed Clara cell and bronchial surface epithelial cell (Clara and BSE) type adenocarcinomas. Each case of goblet cell type was matched with two cases of Clara and BSE type as to sex, age and date of surgery. In goblet cell type adenocarcinomas, lymph node metastasis was less frequently and intrapulmonary metastasis was more frequently detected than in other types of adenocarcinomas (p less than 0.001 and p less than 0.05, respectively). Goblet cell type adenocarcinomas showed better prognoses than Clara and BSE type adenocarcinomas. However, the estimated survival curves of those two groups become similar after adjustment of the TNM condition using Cox's proportional-hazard general linear model. This result indicated that the longer survival of goblet cell type adenocarcinoma was due to the characteristic distribution of TNM conditions, that is, unique local growth and low incidence of lymph node metastasis. When goblet cell type adenocarcinoma was macroscopically classified into two types, i.e. solitary peripheral nodule type (nodular type) and multifocal nodular type or consolidation of all or part of a lobe (diffuse type), the nodular type had better prognosis than the diffuse type (p less than 0.05). Immunohistochemically, 83%, 11%, and 0% of goblet cell type adenocarcinomas were positive for NCC-CO-450, carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), and surfactant apoprotein, respectively. Most Clara and BSE type adenocarcinomas were negative for NCC-CO-450, but positive for CEA and surfactant apoprotein.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)