Objective: The main of this study was to show the rapidity of the protoscolicide action of a synthetic compound, dipeptide methyl ester when it is injected under echographic control into hydatid cyst of sheep.
Materials and methods: Fourthty sheep with hydatid cysts, repaired at echography and punctionable are treated by dipeptide methyl ester injection at the dose of 110 mM.
Results: In vitro tests have allowed to define the efficacy dose of dipeptide methyl ester which is 110 mM. At echography, after injection of the drug, from the first minutes, a detachment of the inner membrane, a diminution of the size of the treated cyst were observed. The cyst content is modified. The sheep autopsy was realized after 4.6.12 and 17 weeks after the injection and showed a size reduction, a treated cyst calcification.
Conclusion: The dipeptide methyl ester injection into hydatid cyst induces rapidly a morphological alteration, they are calcified. The advantage of this compound is its very rapidity action, this could decrease dissemination risks of hydatid liquid in the organism during operation. Also, this drug permits to reduce the operation time.