Deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus (DBS STN) is an effective treatment method in advanced Parkinson's disease (PD) providing marked improvement of its major motor symptoms. In addition, non-motor effects have been reported including weight gain in PD patients after DBS STN. Using retrospective survey, we aimed to evaluate weight changes in our patients with advanced PD treated with DBS STN. We inquired 25 PD patients (16 men, 9 women), of mean age 55 (42-65) years, mean PD duration 15 (9-21) years, who previously received bilateral DBS STN. We obtained valid data from 23 patients. In the first survey, 1 to 45 months after DBS, weight gain was found in all patients comparing to pre-DBS period. The mean increase was 9.4 kg (from 1 to 25 kg). The patients' mean body mass index (BMI) increased from 23.7 to 27.0 kg/m2, i.e. by 3.3 kg/m2 (+2 to +6.1 kg/m2). In the repeated survey one year later, in 12 of the patients body weight moderately decreased, 3 did not change, and 6 patients further increased their weight. Possible explanations of body weight gain after DBS STN include a reduction of energy output related to elimination of dyskinesias, improved alimentation or direct influence on function of lateral hypothalamus by DBS STN.