All humans receive some radiation exposure and the risk for radiation-induced cancer at low doses is based on the assumption that there is a linear non-threshold relationship between dose and subsequent effect. Consequently, risk is extrapolated linearly from high radiation doses to very low doses. However, adaptive responses, bystander effects, and death-inducing effect may influence health effects associated with low-dose radiation exposure. Adaptive response is the phenomenon by which cells irradiated with a sublethal radiation dose can become less susceptible to subsequent high-dose radiation exposure. Bystander effects are nontargeted effects observed in cells that were not irradiated but were either in contact with or received soluble signals from irradiated cells. These non-hit bystander cells can exhibit damage typically associated with direct radiation exposure. Death-inducing effect is a phenomenon whereby medium from human-hamster hybrid cells displaying radiation-induced chromosomal instability is toxic to unirradiated parental cells. In this study, we show that human RKO cells do not exhibit adaptive response, bystander effect, or death-inducing effect, as measured by cell killing, or delayed genomic instability in a stably transfected plasmid-based green fluorescent protein assay measuring homologous recombination and delayed mutation/deletion events. However, growth medium conditioned by some chromosomally unstable RKO derivatives induced genomic instability, indicating that these cells can secrete factor(s) that elicit responses in nonirradiated cells. Furthermore, low radiation doses suppressed the induction of delayed genomic instability by a subsequent high dose, indicative of an adaptive response for radiation-induced genomic instability. These results highlight the inherent variability in cellular responses to low-dose radiation exposure and add to the uncertainties associated with evaluating potential hazards at these low doses.