Cytosolic Ca(2+) is a versatile second messenger that can regulate multiple cellular processes simultaneously. This is accomplished in part through Ca(2+) waves and other spatial patterns of Ca(2+) signals. To investigate the mechanism responsible for the formation of Ca(2+) waves, we examined the role of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor (InsP3R) isoforms in Ca(2+) wave formation. Ca(2+) signals were examined in hepatocytes, which express the type I and II InsP3R in a polarized fashion, and in AR4-2J cells, a nonpolarized cell line that expresses type I and II InsP3R in a ratio similar to what is found in hepatocytes but homogeneously throughout the cell. Expression of type I or II InsP3R was selectively suppressed by isoform-specific DNA antisense in an adenoviral delivery system, which was delivered to AR4-2J cells in culture and to hepatocytes in vivo. Loss of either isoform inhibited Ca(2+) signals to a similar extent in AR4-2J cells. In contrast, loss of the basolateral type I InsP3R decreased the sensitivity of hepatocytes to vasopressin but had little effect on the initiation or spread of Ca(2+) waves across hepatocytes. Loss of the apical type II isoform caused an even greater decrease in the sensitivity of hepatocytes to vasopressin and resulted in Ca(2+) waves that were much slower and delayed in onset. These findings provide evidence that the apical concentration of type II InsP3Rs is essential for the formation of Ca(2+) waves in hepatocytes. The subcellular distribution of InsP3R isoforms may critically determine the repertoire of spatial patterns of Ca(2+) signals.