Stress urinary incontinence is rare in men. Despite the improvements in diagnostic approaches to prostate diseases and surgical interventions on the prostate, stress incontinence has tended to increase in recent decades. The most frightening operative complication for both the patient and the surgeon is incontinence, which is one of the important factors in the treatment of the affected patients. The limited degree of continence considerably lowers the quality of life for the affected men and their partners. There is little information available about the pathophysiology of iatrogenic stress incontinence, which more likely affects older men rather than young men. The available information is based on a few experimental studies. Besides the direct damage to the muscular or neurological component of the external sphincter, insufficient length of the functional urethra and impaired bladder function seem to play an important role in the genesis of postoperative incontinence. In order to improve the postoperative continence status after radical prostatectomy a number of different operative modifications have been introduced. Preservation of the bladder neck, puboprostatic ligaments, and the neurovascular bundle as well as leaving the tips of the seminal vesicles seem to have a positive impact on the degree of postoperative continence.