Purpose: Through collaboration between Archeworks, Inc., an alternative design program, and the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, items and services designed to improve the lives of persons with stroke were developed.
Method: After examining the issues related to stroke from a design perspective, a photography class called Aphasia Talks was developed to facilitate self-expression in persons with aphasia with the goals of reintegration, socialization, recreation, education, and strengthening. A model based on design with, rather than for, persons with stroke was employed to develop the class and a corresponding website (AphasiaTalks.org), which includes photographs and audio relating to the photographs. In addition, the redesign of a digital camera that could be used by persons with limited hand mobility as a communication and recreation tool was begun.
Results: By encouraging self-expression and empowering class participants, the class was refined to be used for research purposes to gain further insight into the problems faced by persons living with stroke.