Previous electroencephalographic and magnetoencephalographic (MEG) studies demonstrate that the activity in the delta band can increase not only in the perilesional area, but also in the contralesional hemisphere in patients affected by a monolateral stroke. The increase of delta activity in the unaffected hemisphere (UH) in the acute phase after an unilateral stroke seems to add prognostic information about clinical recovery. Delta activity in perirolandic regions was investigated via MEG in a group of 27 patients affected by stroke in the territory of middle cerebral artery in the first week following the symptom onset. Clinical evaluation was performed in the acute and the post-acute (median 9 months) phase. Delta band power, delta dipole density (DDD, the number of accepted single dipole fits per second in parieto-frontal region) and delta dipole strength (DDS, the average of the accepted dipoles strengths) were evaluated in both hemispheres, separated on the basis of the lesion level (cortical and subcortical involvement) and correlated with lesion volume, clinical status in acute phase and recovery level. Although in our patient cohort DDD did not differ in both hemispheres with respect to control values, DDS showed higher level than in controls both in affected hemisphere (AH) and UH, was dependent on the lesion level and positively correlated with the lesion volume. Moreover, while AH and UH DDSs were not associated with clinical status in acute phase, they correlated with clinical recovery in post-acute phase. These properties confirmed findings obtained by spectral power analysis and provided a localized delta activity amplitude estimate, independent of measuring system and allowing inter-laboratory standardization.