Anal canal melanoma is a rare disease comprising 1% of all colorectal ie. anal malignant tumours with very poor long term prognosis. Its significant biologic aggressivity is the consequence of the tendency towards lymphatic, local and hematogenous spread. At the moment of diagnosis even 30% of the patients have distant metastases. Surgical intervention represents the only possibility for cure. Modern approach to the anal canal melanoma treatment implies two types of intervention: wide local excision preserving the sphincter mechanism and abdominoperineal resection of the rectum. There are numerous dillemas about the choice of surgery in particular disease stages. The authors report on a 61 years old women in which anal canal melanoma with left inguinal lymphatic metastases was detected during the inspection of "haemorrhoids". After the diagnosis was established, abdominoperineal resection of the rectum was performed with dissection of both inguinal regions.