Introduction: Nodular thrombophlebitis is septal hypodermitis characterised by vasculitis with vein thrombosis. It may indicate serious underlying disorders.
Exegesis: We present two cases of nodular superficial phlebitis, which revealed tuberculosis and sarcoidosis.
Conclusion: Nodular thrombophlebitis are classic during evolution of Behçet disease or Buerger vasculitis. In sarcoidosis, erythema nodosum and granulomatous involvement are the most common cutaneous manifestation. Nodular thrombophlebitis has never been described. Panniculitis are classical in tuberculosis. But most cases are erythema nodosum and cases of erythema induratum of Bazin. Nodular thrombophlebitis could reveal thrombophilic abnormalities, and even more neoplasms especially when they are recurrent and migratory.