We describe here the isolation and the full-length sequence of the coding region of the HLA new variant at the HLA-A locus officially named A*68020102. This variant shows an 11 base pairs deletion within the 5' UTR region. The exon sequence is identical to that of A*6802 and the commercially available anti-A68 typing sera react with the antigen coded by the allele A*68020102. This variant was originally identified in two unrelated Caucasoid families because of discrepant HLA typing results between serology, Sequence Specific Oligonucleotide Probe (SSOP), and SBT. In fact, the A68 assigned by serology was undetectable with the molecular techniques. This has occurred because the deletion present in A*68020102 prevents specific amplification of HLA-A locus by some commercially available typing kits.