Apart from during the prepartal period, the main oestrogen produced by the bovine trophoblast is oestrone sulphate (E1S) which does not bind to nuclear oestrogen receptors (ER). High steroid sulphatase (StS) activities previously detected in the maternal part of bovine placentomes (caruncles) suggest the local activation of E1S ("sulphatase pathway"). Consequently, the expression pattern of StS in bovine placentomes was investigated by immunohistochemistry using an antiserum against human placental StS. Cross-reactivity for bovine StS was confirmed by Western blot yielding a single band of 62 kDa in both bovine and human placenta. Immunostaining for StS was detected in caruncular epithelial cells (CEC), which was clearly related to gestational age. In animals pregnant between 100 and 284 days (n=17), signals were restricted to CEC adjacent to the chorionic plate and basal primary and secondary chorionic villi. After the onset of prepartal luteolysis (days 273-282; n=3) and during active labour (n=5) overall staining intensity had increased substantially and signals occurred ubiquitously in the flattened and partially dismantled caruncular epithelium. A 2204 bp full-length mRNA transcript of the bovine StS exhibiting 74% and 77% sequence identity to human StS on the mRNA and protein levels, respectively, was cloned by RACE-PCR. Real-time RT-PCR detected a 2.5-fold increase of StS-mRNA in prepartal placentomes, which, however, was not statistically significant. The co-localisation of ERalpha and StS in CEC is consistent with a role of placental oestrogens as regulators of caruncular growth and differentiation, and the up-regulation of carunclar StS may be involved in the marked prepartal increase of free oestrogens.