Background: In human T cells, telomerase is transiently expressed upon activation and stimulation and, as shown previously, telomerase levels are able to control the lifespan of T cells. To improve T-cell expansion it is of critical importance to understand the effects of culture parameters on telomerase activity and lifespan.
Methods: We investigated the influence of culture condition (FCS, human AB serum and autologous serum) and stimulation (PHA/feeder cells, anti-CD3/CD28 beads) on the lifespan, clonogenicity (number of positive wells), cell cycle, telomerase activity and telomere length of T cells in vitro.
Results: The proliferative lifespan of T cells expanded with PHA/feeder cells and autologous serum from different donors was doubled compared with stimulation with PHA/feeder cells and AB serum. No or only a small difference was found for T cells expanded with anti-CD3/CD28 beads and autologous or AB serum. The use of autologous serum also increased the clonogenicity to about three-fold compared with the use of AB serum or FCS, without any signs of differences in the fractions of cycling cells. Interestingly, T cells cultured with autologous serum exhibited a significantly higher telomerase activity at day 6 after stimulation and a reduced decline of telomerase activity compared with cultures with AB serum.
Discussion: The use of autologous serum combined with PHA stimulation and feeder cells remarkably extends the proliferative lifespan and clonogenicity and increases the telomerase activity of human T cells in vitro. This might be useful for applications where large numbers of specific T cells are required.