Background: The foundation of traditional Korean medicine (TKM) was originally set out in Korean mythology 5000 years ago. It has developed unique medical theories and methods to treat diseases including neurological disorders such as stroke, epilepsy and Parkinson's disease.
Results: Main components of TKM consist of medicinal treatment, acupuncture and Sasang constitutional medicine. Among these, Sasang is a unique theory and has been used as a major treatment regimen in TKM. Recent studies of TKM have demonstrated therapeutic effects, underlying mechanism responsible for its effects and the relationship with genetic variations. Clinical and genetic studies about TKM have indicated linkage of TKM with pharmacogenomics.
Conclusion: In this special issue, four review articles about TKM, 10 original research and three clinical studies were presented. If modern medicine provides complement of TKM, it would open up new prospect of research and clinical regimen for various neurological diseases.