A PL10 vasa-like gene was isolated from the Kuruma shrimp Marsupenaeus japonicus and therefore called Mjpl10. It is differentially expressed during embryonic, larval, and postlarval development, and in female and male gonads. Using absolute real-time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), we demonstrate that Mjpl10 transcripts are present in the two-cell embryo, suggesting it is maternally expressed, and continually at low levels throughout embryogenesis. Mjpl10 expression increases significantly in the first 25 h after hatching (nauplii IV) and then decreases in a linear fashion by 316-fold over the next 52-day period. Its continued expression throughout embryonic and larval development is compatible with a conserved role in early germ cell specification. Transcript levels of Mjpl10 are also detected in the ovary and testes of mature adults.