Introduction: The established of prognostics factors in ovarian cancer patients can be used to predict the outcome of the disease, and gives possibilities to identified the group of patients who must be treated more aggressive. Some authors believe that (SPF) is prognostic factor in ovarian cancer.
Aim of the study: Evaluation of prognostic significance of S phase fraction in ovarian cancer patients determined by flow cytometric (FC) analysis.
Material and methods: Percent of S phase fraction by FC was investigated in group of 102 ovarian cancer patients from freshfrozen samples. FIGO: I--18 (17.65%), II--10 (9.8%), III--66 (64.7%), IV--8 (7.85%). Histopathologic grades (G): G1--u 30 (29.5%), (G2)--43 (42.16%), G3--26 (25.5%), Gx--2.94%). Serous tumours--66 (64.7%), endometrioid--5 (14.7%), undifferentiated--10 (9.8%), mucinous--7 (6.9%), clear cell tumours--4 (3.9%). The oldest patient was 82 and the youngest 24 mean 54 years. After primary citoreductive surgery patients was treated with intravenous chemotherapy 6 cycles. Tissue was fixed in liquid nitrogen (-195 degrees C), and after different period of time prepared according Vidlov method. SPF was measured with FACScan flow cytometr (FACS-Calibur Becton-Dickinson). In statistical analysis established confidential level was 95% (p < 0.05).
Results: We excluded 7 patients from the study. Average SPF in whole group--13.0637% (0.58-57.62), average SPF in aneuploidy group--13.536% standard deviation (SD)--10.71, in diploidy group--12.365%, SD 10.63. No differentiation between groups was found p = 0.66. We did not find, in whole group a ny influence of SPF on survival p = 0.992.
Conclusion: S-phase fraction has no prognostic significance in ovarian cancer.