The emergence pattern of Schistosoma curassoni cercariae from Bulinus umbilicatus, whose adult worms parasitize bovine, caprine, and ovine ungulates in Niger, is of a circadian type with a mean emission time at 0855 hr +/- 1 hr 6 min, characteristic of the schistosome species parasitizing domestic or wild cattle. The comparison of this cercarial emergence pattern with those of the other 3 sympatric species of schistosomes (Schistosoma haematobium, Schistosoma bovis, and Schistosoma mansoni) shows a significant difference between the chronobiology of the cercariae infective for human and those infective for bovine hosts. This difference may improve epidemiological surveys based on snail prevalences by allowing the distinction between bulinids infected with human and bovine parasites.