To elucidate the clinical features of functional dyspepsia (FD), patients with FD were compared with patients with peptic ulcer. Fifty-eight FD and fifty-nine peptic ulcer patients were compared with respect to clinical features and patient background. In the FD group, symptoms of dyspepsia, especially upper abdominal fullness and nausea, were more common than in the peptic ulcer group. The FD group complained greater distress (severity of the most distressing symptom; P < .001) and showed higher State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) scores (trait-anxiety score; P < .05). A higher proportion of FD patients had consulted another physician (P < .01). Even when subjects from the FD and peptic ulcer group in this study were matched for age and gender and compared with respect to these variables, almost the same characteristics were seen. These results indicate that FD markedly decreases quality of life in a variety of aspects.