There are a great variety of lesions of oral cavity which may require surgical intervention in neonatal period. The differential diagnoses include tumors (malignant, teratoma, cystic hygroma, lymphangioma, hemangioma), congenital epulis, dermoid cysts, ranula. Congenital epulis of the newborn is a rare tumour which is usually benign. Epulis is also known as a congenital gingival granular cell tumour because of its histological features. Female babies are affected 8-10 times more often than males. Epulis is located on the maxillary ridge twice as often as on the mandible, mostly as single tumours but rarely as multiple tumours. The histogenesis of the tumour is unknown. Spontaneous regression of congenital epulis has been reported in a few cases. However, surgical excision is generally indicated due to interference with feeding or respiration. Recurrence of the tumour after surgery has not been reported yet. We report two cases of congenital epulis, one in 2 hour female neonate and one in a 7 days male neonate. In spite of the rarity of this pathology, the interval between presentation in this two cases was ten days. In one case it was an antenatal diagnosis by ultrasonography, in the other it was associated a genital anomalies (hypospadias). The treatment was surgical excision. The intra- and postoperative course was uneventful.