This study assessed the feasibility of a group-based couples intervention to increase condom use in HIV serodiscordant couples in three countries (India, Thailand and Uganda). The intervention focused on communication, problem solving, and negotiation skills. Forty-three couples enrolled in the intervention (15 in India, 14 in Thailand, and 14 in Uganda) and 40 couples completed all study activities. Participants were interviewed at baseline and at one and three months post- intervention. The intervention consisted of two same sex sessions and two couples sessions with 'homework' to practice skills between sessions. The same intervention modules were used at each site, tailored for local appropriateness. Participants at each site were enthusiastic about the intervention, citing information about HIV serodiscordancy and the opportunity to meet couples 'like us' as important features. Participants reported increased comfort discussing sex and condoms with their partner, although some participants remain concerned about situations when condoms might not be used (e.g. when drunk). At three-month follow up 90% of the participants reported having been able to use the skills from the intervention with their partner. Our results highlight the feasibility of this couples group-based intervention and the need for ongoing support for discordant couples.