A 13-year-old Quarterhorse mare had a 6-month history of diarrhea, progressive weight loss, and lethargy. At presentation the mare was hirsute, had hyperhidrosis, and abnormal fat distribution in addition to severe diarrhea. A presumptive clinical diagnosis of protein-losing enteropathy and pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction was made. T-cell lymphoma was diagnosed in a rectal biopsy specimen. The owner elected to euthanize the mare because of poor prognosis and the severity of the disease. At necropsy, the mare had hypertrichosis and the pituitary gland was diffusely enlarged. Histologically, neoplastic lymphocytes infiltrated the gastrointestinal mucosa, mesenteric lymph nodes, and the pituitary gland. In addition, there was hyperplasia of the pituitary gland pars intermedia. Pituitary adenoma was not present. Hypertrichosis in this case could have been triggered by a combination of adenomatous hyperplasia of pars intermedia and lymphoma resulting in disruption of the hypothalamic dopaminergic tone or disruption of the hypothalamic thermoregulatory center.