Aim: To study whether H pylori locate in the gallbladder mucosa of patients with chronic cholecystitis.
Methods: Using Warthy-Starry (W-S) silver stain and immunohistochemistry stain with anti-H pylori antibodies, we screened paraffin specimens in 524 cases of cholecystitis. H pylori urease gene A (HPUA) and H pylori urease gene B (HPUB) were analyzed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in the fresh tissue specimens from 81 cases of cholecystitis.
Results: H pylori-like bacteria were found in 13.55% of the gallbladders of the cholecystitis patients using W-S stain. Meanwhile, bacteria positive for H pylori antibodies were also found in 7.1% of the gallbladders of patients with cholecystitis by immunohistochemistry. Of 81 gallbladders, 11 were positive for both HPUA and HPUB, 4 were positive for HPUA only and 7 were positive for HPUB only.
Conclusion: H pylori exist in the gallbladders of patients with chronic cholecystitis.