The present study was carried out to estimate both (co)variance components and genetic parameters for frame scores obtained using two methods (FRAME_GMA and FRAME_BIF) as well as phenotypic and genetic correlations with traits such as weaning weight, weight gain from weaning to yearling, scrotal circumference, muscle score, and an empiric index for animal classification for the Special Certificate of Identification and Production (CEIP). Data on 12,728 animals, raised in Southeastern Brazil, with ages from 490 to 610 days were analyzed. Estimates of heritability for FRAME_GMA and FRAME_BIF in multi-trait analysis were 0.28 and 0.24, respectively. Genetic correlation coefficients between frame scores and the growth trait were of medium magnitude, which indicates that genetic selection for weight resulted in undesirable responses, increasing the animals' frames. Small changes should be expected in the frame of animals that have been submitted to a genetic selection regarding muscle score and scrotal circumference. The low magnitude of phenotypic and genetic correlation between frame scores and the empirical selection index that classifies animals for CEIP, a Brazilian official certificate that recognizes the value of seedstock that is not registered at breeders associations, but is genetically evaluated, does not indicate important responses in giving a CEIP to animals that have been directly or indirectly selected for frame. Other studies must be performed to determine estimates of the genetic parameters for frame scores in other beef cattle populations.