Several agents have been utilised for therapy of mastalgia based on data from small trials. No meta-analysis of trials on mastalgia exists. We have conducted a meta-analysis on trials on mastalgia published in the English language. Study was restricted to randomised controlled trials comparing Bromocriptine, Danazol, Evening primrose oil (EPO) and Tamoxifen with placebo. The analysis was carried out on the REVMAN statistical package. Weighted mean difference in the pain score in favour of Bromocriptine was -16.31(95% CI -26.35 to -6.27). Danazol produced a significant benefit with a mean pain score difference -20.23(95% CI -28.12 to -12.34). EPO did not offer any advantage over placebo in pain relief, mean pain score difference being -2.78 (95% CI -7.97 to 2.40). Tamoxifen achieved a relative risk (RR) of pain relief of 1.92 (95% CI 1.42-2.58). Tamoxifen is associated with least side effects and should be the drug of first choice.