Objective: To investigate the allele frequency distribution, gene diversity and haplotype diversity of 12 Y-specific short tandem repeats (STR) in Guangzhou Han population and evaluate their forensic application.
Methods: Twelve Y-STR loci in 401 unrelated male Han individuals in Guangzhou were amplified with PowerPlex(R) Y System, and the PCR products were detected with 3100 Genetic Analyzer.
Results: The data of allele distribution and gene diversity of the 12 Y-STR loci were obtained from these individuals. A total of 398 haplotypes were observed and the overall haplotype diversity for the 12 Y-STR loci was 0.99997. The DNA samples of 13 different species of animals were amplified and no specific products were observed. Different tissues from the same individual exhibited the same Y-STR haplotype.
Conclusion: The 12 Y-STR loci exhibit high genetic polymorphism and are of important value in understanding of the human origin, individual identification for mixed male/female DNA samples and paternity identification.