Recent studies indicate that IFN-gamma may influence both the expansion and the trafficking of virus-specific CD8+ CTL, though the effects are not necessarily consistent for different models of viral and bacterial disease. Influenza A virus infection of mice deficient for IFN-gamma (IFN-gamma(-/-)) or deficient for the IFN-gamma receptor 1 (IFNGR1(-/-)) was, when compared with the wild-type (WT) B6 controls, associated with increased Ag-specific CD8+ T cell counts in the spleen and mediastinal lymph nodes. At the same time, fewer of these CTL effectors were found in the bronchoalveolar lavage population recovered from the IFN-gamma(-/-) mice. Comparable effects were observed for WT mice treated with a neutralizing IFN-gamma-specific mAb. Transfer of WT memory Thy1.1(+) CD8+ populations into Thy1.2+ B6 IFN-gamma(-/-) or IFNGR1(-/-) mice followed by intranasal virus challenge demonstrated both that IFN-gamma produced by the host was important for the regulation of Ag-specific CTL numbers and that IFN-gamma was likely to act directly on the T cells themselves. In addition, the prevalence of CTLs undergoing apoptosis in spleen was lower when measured directly ex vivo for IFN-gamma(-/-) vs WT B6 mice. The present analysis is the first comprehensive demonstration that IFN-gamma signaling can differentially regulate both Ag-specific CTL homeostasis in secondary lymphoid organs and trafficking to a site of virus-induced pathology.