Background: We aimed at investigating serum adiponectin in patients with the metabolic syndrome (MetS), in patients with angiographically diagnosed coronary artery disease (CAD), and in patients who had both, the MetS and CAD.
Methods: We enrolled 687 consecutive patients undergoing coronary angiography for the evaluation of CAD.
Results: From our patients, 178 had neither the MetS (Adult Treatment Panel III definition) nor significant CAD (MetS-/CAD-), 91 had the MetS, but not significant CAD (MetS+/CAD-), 251 did not have the MetS but had significant CAD (MetS-/CAD+), and 167 had both, the MetS and significant CAD (MetS+/CAD+). Serum adiponectin was highest (12.1+/-8.3 microg/ml) in MetS-/CAD- subjects. It was significantly lower in MetS+/CAD- (9.5+/-7.3 microg/ml; p=0.001) and in MetS-/CAD+ patients (9.2+/-5.3 microg/ml; p<0.001) and lowest in MetS+/CAD+ patients (6.7+/-3.8 microg/ml) in whom it was significantly lower than in MetS-/CAD-, MetS+/CAD-, and MetS-/CAD+ patients (p<0.001 for all comparisons). In analysis of covariance the MetS and significant CAD proved associated with serum adiponectin in a mutually independent manner.
Conclusions: Low serum adiponectin is independently associated with both the MetS and coronary atherosclerosis.