Objective: To investigate the feasibility and results of application of both expanded cutaneous flap and temporoparietal fascia flap in total ear reconstruction with Medpor framework.
Methods: The main procedure consists of two stages: Stage I-skin expansion; Stage II -auricle formation consists of orientation of Medpor implant and creation of coverage for the implant by both expanded skin flap and temporoparietal fascia flap.
Results: Twenty-two ears in 22 unilateral microtia patients were constructed using Medpor implants covered with both expanded cutaneous flap and temporoparietal fascia flap over the last three years, they were accepted as pleasing by the patients.
Conclusions: Application of both expanded cutaneous flap and temporoparietal fascia flap can assure no extrusion of Medpor implant in ear reconstruction. Either more, the two layers of transferred tissues will not affect the profile details of the reconstructed ear. And because the skin covering the framework and fascia is derived from mastoid region, the appearance and profile of the reconstructed auricle is true to nature and close to that of the opposite one.