Dynamic nuclear polarization of metabolically active compounds labeled with (13)C has been introduced as a means for imaging metabolic processes in vivo. To differentiate between the injected compound and the various metabolic products, an imaging technique capable of separating the different chemical-shift species must be used. In this paper, the design and testing of a pulse sequence for rapid magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (MRSI) of hyperpolarized (13)C is presented. The pulse sequence consists of a small-tip excitation followed by a double spin echo using adiabatic refocusing pulses and a "flyback" echo-planar readout gradient. Key elements of the sequence are insensitivity to calibration of the transmit gain, the formation of a spin echo giving high-quality spectral information, and a small effective tip angle that preserves the magnetization for a sufficient duration. Experiments in vivo showed three-dimensional coverage with excellent spectral quality and SNR.