Is directionality of electroencephalographic (EEG) synchronization abnormal in amnesic mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and Alzheimer's disease (AD)? EEG data were recorded in 64 normal elderly (Nold), 69 amnesic MCI, and 73 mild AD subjects at rest condition (closed eyes). Direction of information flux within EEG functional coupling at electrode pairs was performed by directed transfer function (DTF) at delta (2-4 Hz), theta (4-8 Hz), alpha 1 (8-10 Hz), alpha 2 (10-12 Hz), beta 1 (13-20 Hz), beta 2 (20-30 Hz), and gamma (30-40 Hz). Parietal to frontal direction of the information flux within EEG functional coupling was stronger in Nold than in MCI and/or AD subjects, namely for alpha and beta rhythms. In contrast, the directional flow within inter-hemispheric EEG functional coupling did not discriminate among the three groups. These results suggest that directionality of parieto-to-frontal EEG synchronization is abnormal not only in AD but also in amnesic MCI.